@trump idk if you fuck w ambient music but this is tight i feel like you'd dig it.
I really liked it up until about 4 1/2 min when the beat came in. I love a good beat but it just struck me as too quick for the four minutes of serenity the song had just created. if it were slower and trancier I would have really loved it.
when the beat comes back around 7:20, I like the style more, but its still too quick for the song to keep sounding comfortable IMO.
Year it was kinda jarring at first but I actually liked it after a bit. It was just something I haven't heard done before and I thought it was done well. I'm still a noob to ambient
@trump idk if you fuck w ambient music but this is tight i feel like you'd dig it.
when the beat comes back around 7:20, I like the style more, but its still too quick for the song to keep sounding comfortable IMO.
Absorbing Black Ignition by Artificial Brain
just eno:
Im more into the experimental side of ambient, though. stuff that incorporates various styles layered just right over enos work.
collabs (robert fripp, harold budd, and bavid byrne made some dope stuff with him):
In The Midst Of Life, We Are In Death by Ash Borer
Life on the road isn't easy my friend