cant say ive even heard of them. in related news, you dig funerary apparently? I cant even count how many times Ive seen them but theyre just ok to me. like a boring lycus really.
I just checked Funerary out because CVLT Nation talked about em and their album was for free. Definitely just ok doom. And I just heard about Naught today because Alex CF from Light Bearer did their artwork. they don't even have a fb, just band camp. They're pretty decent
Theres always a closet
The gallery - Joni mitchell
:-? why?
Animal Collective - Feels
Boris - Melody
Cannabis Corpse - Individual Pot Patterns
some really shitty band while I'm taking a dump waiting for chimaira
waiting for Chimaira
heart of gold - Johnny cash
One of his few covers that isn't better than the original.. Not bad doe
okay by elvis depressedly
Bat - Primitive Age
This is actually pretty sick.
Stray From The Path - Badge And A Bullet
Fade by Naught
new doom metal band from AZ
cant say ive even heard of them. in related news, you dig funerary apparently? I cant even count how many times Ive seen them but theyre just ok to me. like a boring lycus really.
I just checked Funerary out because CVLT Nation talked about em and their album was for free. Definitely just ok doom. And I just heard about Naught today because Alex CF from Light Bearer did their artwork. they don't even have a fb, just band camp. They're pretty decent
oh these guys. apparently im seeing them next month open the barghest show. jamming now.
pig destroyer - explosions in ward 6
The Wheel Weaves As The Wheel Wills by Thou & The Body