Reminds me of something funny that happened at the NIN show I saw last weekend. Trent was apparently given the wrong guitar for Terrible Lie, so when the song started, he immediately noticed something was off and chucked the guitar straight up in the air. Didn't stop the song or anything, he went right back to singing the song until his tech brought the right guitar, but that's the first time I've seen that screwup.
inquisition - inversion of ethereal white stars
Down - Open Coffins
what in the fuck
Reminds me of something funny that happened at the NIN show I saw last weekend. Trent was apparently given the wrong guitar for Terrible Lie, so when the song started, he immediately noticed something was off and chucked the guitar straight up in the air. Didn't stop the song or anything, he went right back to singing the song until his tech brought the right guitar, but that's the first time I've seen that screwup.
Wrists Of Kings by Isis
first time jamming In The Absence Of Truth tbh.
Fallujah - Carved from Stone
but seriously, HOW
also thats the best song on the record. garden of light is a close second.
idk i just hadn't dl'd it. will need to listen again but honestly wasn't wow'd by the record. Oceanic and Panopticon are just on a league of their own
That's my least favorite by them
Oceanic>Wavering Radiant>Celestial>Panopticon>Absence
oh right I need Celestial too.
also you get Panopticon p low that's crazy
but Panopticon is US and Saor is UK...
Definitely a metaphoric thing
rest basically tied for me. tough call.