caught a shirt from her that she threw out. it was too small but ended up getting it signed because i walked by during the signing time and because hot and my mom ended up washing the shirt :-L
he did some filthy ass fucking vocal work on the final track of the latest DitD record
Yeah haha CTTTOAFF is like the epicenter of Denver metal at the moment. Their members have branched off into a good half dozen awesome bands, Primitive Man being the main one.
this whole day fucking ruled. second best band behind dahlia.
had to hear that d- excuse for music for two months at work, and only the chorus, on repeat. quad-dab and call the cops on yourself for posting.
once ya go black ya never go back i'm a blaaaaaaaaaack sheep
caught a shirt from her that she threw out. it was too small but ended up getting it signed because i walked by during the signing time and because hot and my mom ended up washing the shirt :-L
Black Sabbath-Black Sabbath
Yeah haha CTTTOAFF is like the epicenter of Denver metal at the moment. Their members have branched off into a good half dozen awesome bands, Primitive Man being the main one.
Swallow by Wreck and Reference
fuck this is really good
Baroness - Little Things
Abandon All Dope by War Bong
Would never have pegged you for a Breaking Benjamin guy.
Point of No Return-Immortal Technique
Volumes - The Mixture
Katy Perry by Lil B