nocturnal and deflorate were awesome records. ritual as well, just took me a little longer to get into it. those three ARE bdm to me. gave everblack a couple honest listens... not nearly as good... but still better than I expected.
aoty so far for me. people keep saying its too much of a departure from the other releases... I dont get it. its essentially the same band minus the uncleans... but everyone knew that would be the case. plus instrumentally its extremely similar. maybe a little more droney but I dig that.
Yeah, it's definitely more drone/shoegaze than bm influenced, but it's still very post-rock, as it always has been. This is a million times better than the new Alcest record.
Everblack was kinda disappointing just cuz it wasn't 10/10. Still an awesome album doe. Nocturnal, Deflorate and Ritual were all fuckin masterpieces. BDM's my shit.
Stuck watching Monsters University with little brother. Scene starts where the Monster frat Sully and Mike are in wants to break into the factory. Dorky monster's Goody-Goody mom drops them off and says "I'll wait for you hear and listen to my tunes." She then proceeds to crank the stereo and play Mastodon's "Island" for 10 seconds. Fucking awesome.
Rip Your Heart Out-Hopsin
all along the watchtower
Eyes of Thousand - TBDM
Hot Damn, I just listened to Deflorate for the first time in months. This albums fuckin slammin.
nocturnal and deflorate were awesome records. ritual as well, just took me a little longer to get into it. those three ARE bdm to me. gave everblack a couple honest listens... not nearly as good... but still better than I expected.
Azure Chimes by Lantlos
Holy shit this first track is great
March to the Sea - Baroness
aoty so far for me. people keep saying its too much of a departure from the other releases... I dont get it. its essentially the same band minus the uncleans... but everyone knew that would be the case. plus instrumentally its extremely similar. maybe a little more droney but I dig that.
Yeah, it's definitely more drone/shoegaze than bm influenced, but it's still very post-rock, as it always has been. This is a million times better than the new Alcest record.
Aquamarine Towers by Lantlos
right in two
Those drums ^:)^
Just the fact that someone else on this forum knows what fucking Pon Pon is is unbelievable.
Stuck watching Monsters University with little brother. Scene starts where the Monster frat Sully and Mike are in wants to break into the factory. Dorky monster's Goody-Goody mom drops them off and says "I'll wait for you hear and listen to my tunes." She then proceeds to crank the stereo and play Mastodon's "Island" for 10 seconds. Fucking awesome.
On a similar note, Hunters of the Sky-Mastodon
I really don't get the bdm dick sucking...they suck
The BDM dick sucking?
) way too much of it around here. Let's just listen to Mastodon or Tool instead
BDM>Mastodon and Tool
Holy shit UP. Fucking kill yourself you have the worst taste in music and you only use Spotify