Having the music tastes of a sorority cunt =/= being eclectic
This place is such a joke. I know you're trying to be fair Slap and you make decent points, but Ed doesn't deserve a white knight on this one. He continually shits on the music that you, I, and most of the other people dig on this site and has no respect for the tastes and diversity of the other forumers. It's legit now that half the people here listen to a good deal of diverse stuff. Among the actual music listeners, only Todd is open about only listening to just a handful of bands. Even hxc George has a GZA symbol for an avatar and vouched for Timberlake's new album. So having ShithEd sitting there talking about the rest of us taking an L like men is beyond silly. Defending him is an insult to your peers. Fuck that guy. He's a prime reason I think this place sucks now
Honestly, if it wasnt for this place I might still be worshipping KoRn. Thats scary...
Yeah back in 08 this place got me into more actual metal since I joined because of fucking disturbed and slipknot. But then I went through a period of listening to a shit ton of metal that I honestly didnt enjoy that much just becuase every one else was talking about it. Now I just do my thing.
But then I went through a period of listening to a shit ton of metal that I honestly didnt enjoy that much just becuase every one else was talking about it. Now I just do my thing.
This song is so addicting.
While I surf my phon doing anything but working out
While I surf my phon doing anything but working out