Animal collective are the most polarizing group in indie rock right now afaic. I like them, but I know some people that really hate them. I don't really understand why
only a couple of weeks ago my friend showed me 'did you see the words' and 'the purple bottle' for the first time. way too much to take in upon first listen.
at this point, Im almost completely obsessed with Feels. I can see how they would get hate because I can imagine people thinking something like "oh I like indie rock, just not when its a fucking circus" or something. but in the end, what theyve done is focused, blindfolded themselves, and jumped off an audio cliff. and I have a lot of respect for musicians who can do that and still land safely, having weirded out a ton of people, probably themselves included, and still made something amazing.
I just watched some live footage of them last night and they just lose their shit, yet stay in sync so well. its very intriguing.
I know theyre the butt of every hipster joke in history, but they really craft their music like none other. definitely going to see them next month.
and now, I Hate the Bloody Queen
by The Queen Haters
at this point, Im almost completely obsessed with Feels. I can see how they would get hate because I can imagine people thinking something like "oh I like indie rock, just not when its a fucking circus" or something. but in the end, what theyve done is focused, blindfolded themselves, and jumped off an audio cliff. and I have a lot of respect for musicians who can do that and still land safely, having weirded out a ton of people, probably themselves included, and still made something amazing.
I just watched some live footage of them last night and they just lose their shit, yet stay in sync so well. its very intriguing.
I know theyre the butt of every hipster joke in history, but they really craft their music like none other. definitely going to see them next month.
Been jamming to them a lot lately. Good indie band.
This jam doe