Yea, Shane called out of work today. BIg Lot's roof is torn apart. A street light was wrapped around wires like it was tin foil. Some houses got destroyed. Lowe's as everyone knows is gone. They blocked off our route to work an our alternate route to work. Tmw, if all is not cleared we have to drive an hour plus the normal travel time to get to work at 5am.
apparently the damage was bad enough that the Governor is on her way here today to assess it and an elementary school got closed for the remainder of the year
just found out we're still under a state of emergency. i'mma ram that down my bosses throat if she tries to write me up for calling out today cuz my road to work was shut down
my mom said she saw something on the weather channel about the storm
Glad you both are okay and that you're worried about work and not serious injuries to yourself or Judy. Shit was crazy today from what I heard.