I'm not even a fanboy......I just think Another Brick In The Wall isn't even close to a good representation of Floyd's greatness.
yah i dont even like the song.....its the reason i never gave pf a chance for a while cuz i thought it was a pretty stupid song. especially the ending is just weird
I'm not even a fanboy......I just think Another Brick In The Wall isn't even close to a good representation of Floyd's greatness.
It's a great song, not going to go into details it would take too long. Kashmir is annoying and repetitive, that riff drives me insane, Pdiddy didnt help with that attrocious cover in the 90's. I like Zep and that album, donnot like that song.
brick in the wall is seriously a dumb song
Led zeppelin - kashmir 2
Seriously? This is one of Pink Floyd's most overrated songs imo.....and one of Zeppelin's best.
Led zeppelin - kashmir 2
Probably my favorite PF song. Between that and Brain Damage.
Led zeppelin - kashmir 2
^YEAH, WHAT A SHIT SONG? Gimme a fuckin break... I understand some of yooz don't like FLoyd *points at nola* but this song is great...