Ever kissed someone of the same sex besides a family member? Actually my buddy dared me to walk up to my guitar player and kiss him while he was waiting for his sandwich in a crowded Wawa. I walked up and planted one on dat nigga hahaha
Worst band thats ever played mayhem? Norma Jean
Pantera or Megadeth? Pantera
Is Arlo the hottest girl on the forums? He's up there. Top 3
Ever kissed someone of the same sex besides a family member? Actually my buddy dared me to walk up to my guitar player and kiss him while he was waiting for his sandwich in a crowded Wawa. I walked up and planted one on dat nigga hahaha
It was funny as hell. I didn't make out with a dude of nothing, you had to be there... There's like 20 people standing around. Haha. I think dat nigga gay doe cause he didn't backup.......
One item you'd save from burning house? (No pets or people) iPhone
Would you drink someone's chewing tobacco spit for $1000 just one shot? Yeah Favorite Quentin Tarentino film? Pulp Fiction Would you bang Leah? Nah Ever kissed someone of the same sex besides a family member? Yupp Worst band thats ever played mayhem? All are really bad Pantera or Megadeth? Neither Is Arlo the hottest girl on the forums? Yes How old are you now? 20 Favorite punk band? N/A
One item you'd save from burning house? (No pets or people) My writing, which would probably mean my laptop. Would you drink someone's chewing tobacco spit for $1000 just one shot? No. Favorite Quentin Tarentino film? Maybe Inglourious Basterds. Would you bang Leah? No. Ever kissed someone of the same sex besides a family member? Yes. Worst band thats ever played mayhem? To many to pick. Pantera or Megadeth? Megadeth. Is Arlo the hottest girl on the forums? Probably. How old are you now? 24 Favorite punk band? Don't have one.
One item you'd save from burning house? (No pets or people) iphone
Would you drink someone's chewing tobacco spit for $1000 just one shot? Yes
Favorite Quentin Tarentino film? Inglourious Basterds
Would you bang Leah? Yesplz
Ever kissed someone of the same sex besides a family member? Actually my buddy dared me to walk up to my guitar player and kiss him while he was waiting for his sandwich in a crowded Wawa. I walked up and planted one on dat nigga hahaha
Worst band thats ever played mayhem? Norma Jean
Pantera or Megadeth? Pantera
Is Arlo the hottest girl on the forums? He's up there. Top 3
How old are you now? 28
Favorite punk band? D.R.I.
Would you drink someone's chewing tobacco spit for $1000 just one shot?-no
Favorite Quentin Tarentino film?-Pulp Fiction
Would you bang Leah?-no
Ever kissed someone of the same sex besides a family member?-no
Worst band thats ever played mayhem?- Asking Alexandria
Pantera or Megadeth?- Megadeth
Is Arlo the hottest girl on the forums?-yes
How old are you now?-19
Favorite punk band?- idk. I dont listen to too much punk.
One item you'd save from burning house? (No pets or people) my pick collection
Would you drink someone's chewing tobacco spit for $1000 just one shot? No
Favorite Quentin Tarentino film? None
Would you bang Leah? Nah
Ever kissed someone of the same sex besides a family member?no
Worst band thats ever played mayhem? Five finger death punch
Pantera or Megadeth? Im tired of megadeth
Is Arlo the hottest girl on the forums? He is a bitch that's for sure
How old are you now? 25
Favorite punk band? The unseen
Would you drink someone's chewing tobacco spit for $1000 just one shot? Hell no
Favorite Quentin Tarentino film? Sin City, not even close
Would you bang Leah? Nope
Ever kissed someone of the same sex besides a family member? No
Worst band thats ever played mayhem? Norma Jean
Pantera or Megadeth? I've listened to Megadeth more but really neither in the recent months. Overall Megadeth.
Is Arlo the hottest girl on the forums? I don't care for blondes
How old are you now? 20
Favorite punk band? Don't listen to enough punk to really answer
Would you drink someone's chewing tobacco spit for $1000 just one shot? No thanks,
Favorite Quentin Tarentino film? Pulp Fiction.
Would you bang Leah? No.
Ever kissed someone of the same sex besides a family member? Manyyy times.
Worst band thats ever played mayhem? nocurr
Pantera or Megadeth? Pantera.
Is Arlo the hottest girl on the forums? No.
How old are you now? 23.
Favorite punk band? Bad Religion.
Would you drink someone's chewing tobacco spit for $1000 just one shot? Hell no
Favorite Quentin Tarentino film? Pulp Fiction
Would you bang Leah? If I were single, yeah
Ever kissed someone of the same sex besides a family member? Nope
Worst band thats ever played mayhem? Slayer
Pantera or Megadeth? Pantera
Is Arlo the hottest girl on the forums? I be dat PMF
How old are you now? 23
Favorite punk band? Bad Religion
Would you drink someone's chewing tobacco spit for $1000 just one shot? - no
Favorite Quentin Tarentino film? - From Dusk Till Dawn
Would you bang Leah? - no because i know she wouldn't bang me so i wanna say no first so i can feel like a winner
Ever kissed someone of the same sex besides a family member? - no
Worst band thats ever played mayhem? - idk, airborne comes to mind
Pantera or Megadeth? - pantera
Is Arlo the hottest girl on the forums? - nah
How old are you now? - 27
Favorite punk band? - i don't like punk
One item you'd save from burning house? (No pets or people) my bass.
Would you drink someone's chewing tobacco spit for $1000 just one shot? No
Favorite Quentin Tarentino film? Pulp Fivtion is a cool guy
Would you bang Leah? Meh
Ever kissed someone of the same sex besides a family member? No
Worst band thats ever played mayhem? I'd say Asking Alexandria
Pantera or Megadeth? Megadave
Is Arlo the hottest girl on the forums? Top 3
How old are you now? 18
Favorite punk band? Dead Kennedys
Would you drink someone's chewing tobacco spit for $1000 just one shot? For a thousand? Probably. Gross as fuck but I'll deal with it
Favorite Quentin Tarentino film? Pulp Fiction
Would you bang Leah? Idk I haven't met her in person
Ever kissed someone of the same sex besides a family member?
Worst band thats ever played mayhem? All of them
Pantera or Megadeth? Neither
Is Arlo the hottest girl on the forums? Yes
How old are you now? Going to be 19 in May. I joined this forum when I was 15. #perspectives
Favorite punk band? Misfits
Would you drink someone's chewing tobacco spit for $1000 just one shot? -- How bad do I need this thousand
Favorite Quentin Tarentino film? -- Reservoir Dogs
Would you bang Leah? -- Nah
Ever kissed someone of the same sex besides a family member? -- Nope
Worst band thats ever played mayhem? -- 5FDP
Pantera or Megadeth? -- Pantera
Is Arlo the hottest girl on the forums? -- I'd hit it
How old are you now? -- 22
Favorite punk band? -- The Offspring
Would you drink someone's chewing tobacco spit for $1000 just one shot? No
Favorite Quentin Tarentino film? Inglourious Basterds
Would you bang Leah? Probably
Ever kissed someone of the same sex besides a family member? No
Worst band thats ever played mayhem? Straight Line Stitch
Pantera or Megadeth? Megadeth
Is Arlo the hottest girl on the forums? Not quite
How old are you now? 17
Favorite punk band? Black Flag
Would you drink someone's chewing tobacco spit for $1000 just one shot?
Favorite Quentin Tarentino film?
Pulp Fiction
Would you bang Leah?
Ever kissed someone of the same sex besides a family member?
Worst band thats ever played mayhem?
All are really bad
Pantera or Megadeth?
Is Arlo the hottest girl on the forums?
How old are you now?
Favorite punk band?
Yes. But it would be nasty. Worth it.
Resevoir dogs
Most def
Idk i think so
Would you drink someone's chewing tobacco spit for $1000 just one shot? No.
Favorite Quentin Tarentino film? Maybe Inglourious Basterds.
Would you bang Leah? No.
Ever kissed someone of the same sex besides a family member? Yes.
Worst band thats ever played mayhem? To many to pick.
Pantera or Megadeth? Megadeth.
Is Arlo the hottest girl on the forums? Probably.
How old are you now? 24
Favorite punk band? Don't have one.
Would you drink someone's chewing tobacco spit for $1000 just one shot? No
Favorite Quentin Tarentino film? I can't honestly pick one.
Would you bang Leah? Yes
Ever kissed someone of the same sex besides a family member? No
Worst band thats ever played mayhem? Asking Alexandria
Pantera or Megadeth? Megadeth
Is Arlo the hottest girl on the forums? No
How old are you now? 19
Favorite punk band? not sure, I haven't listened to much punk in a while
Would you drink someone's chewing tobacco spit for $1000 just one shot? - No
Favorite Quentin Tarentino film? - ...just one?
Would you bang Leah? - I don't even remember what she looks like atm
Ever kissed someone of the same sex besides a family member? - No
Worst band thats ever played mayhem? - Asking Alexandria
Pantera or Megadeth? - Megadeth
Is Arlo the hottest girl on the forums? - No
How old are you now? - 19
Favorite punk band? - Strung Out