1. Anal Cunt (slap) 2. Coldplay (dreamtheater) 3. Limp Bizkit (jay) 4. Blood On The Dancefloor (adam) 5. Dot Dot Curve (alex) 6. Nickelback (metalsslayer) 7. Lil' Wayne (satan) 8. Stratovarius (nola) 9. Whitechapel (wine) 10. Korn (george) 11. Jonas Brothers (beavis) 12. Nirvana (bianca) 13. Emmure (illuminatus) 14. Asking Alexandria (FaceFuck) 15. The Devil Wears Prada (tirades) 16. Hinder (Monicaa) 17. Rush (Shane) 18. Joe "I'm a retard who loves shitting all over Beatles songs" Cocker (Primus) 19. Dr. Acula (myoses) 20. Kid Rock (Razor) 21. Manowar (strat) 22. U2 (fucketh) 23. The Acacia Strain (george) 24. Theory of a Deadman (Jay) 25. HIM (myoses) 26. Disturbed (monicaa) 27. abandon all ships (beavis 28. Insane Clown Posse (Judy) 29. All Shall Perish (Shane) 30. 3 Doors Down (adam) 31. Bring Me The Horizon (FaceFuck)
2. Coldplay (dreamtheater)
3. Limp Bizkit (jay)
4. Blood On The Dancefloor (adam)
5. Dot Dot Curve (alex)
6. Nickelback (metalsslayer)
7. Lil' Wayne (satan)
8. Stratovarius (nola)
9. Whitechapel (wine)
10. Korn (george)
11. Jonas Brothers (beavis)
12. Nirvana (bianca)
13. Emmure (illuminatus)
14. Asking Alexandria (FaceFuck)
15. The Devil Wears Prada (tirades)
16. Hinder (Monicaa)
17. Rush (Shane)
18. Joe "I'm a retard who loves shitting all over Beatles songs" Cocker (Primus)
19. Dr. Acula (myoses)
20. Kid Rock (Razor)
21. Manowar (strat)
22. U2 (fucketh)
23. The Acacia Strain (george)
24. Theory of a Deadman (Jay)
25. HIM (myoses)
26. Disturbed (monicaa)
27. abandon all ships (beavis
28. Insane Clown Posse (Judy)
29. All Shall Perish (Shane)
2. Coldplay (dreamtheater)
3. Limp Bizkit (jay)
4. Blood On The Dancefloor (adam)
5. Dot Dot Curve (alex)
6. Nickelback (metalsslayer)
7. Lil' Wayne (satan)
8. Stratovarius (nola)
9. Whitechapel (wine)
10. Korn (george)
11. Jonas Brothers (beavis)
12. Nirvana (bianca)
13. Emmure (illuminatus)
14. Asking Alexandria (FaceFuck)
15. The Devil Wears Prada (tirades)
16. Hinder (Monicaa)
17. Rush (Shane)
18. Joe "I'm a retard who loves shitting all over Beatles songs" Cocker (Primus)
19. Dr. Acula (myoses)
20. Kid Rock (Razor)
21. Manowar (strat)
22. U2 (fucketh)
23. The Acacia Strain (george)
24. Theory of a Deadman (Jay)
25. HIM (myoses)
26. Disturbed (monicaa)
27. abandon all ships (beavis
28. Insane Clown Posse (Judy)
29. All Shall Perish (Shane)
30. 3 Doors Down (adam)
2. Coldplay (dreamtheater)
3. Limp Bizkit (jay)
4. Blood On The Dancefloor (adam)
5. Dot Dot Curve (alex)
6. Nickelback (metalsslayer)
7. Lil' Wayne (satan)
8. Stratovarius (nola)
9. Whitechapel (wine)
10. Korn (george)
11. Jonas Brothers (beavis)
12. Nirvana (bianca)
13. Emmure (illuminatus)
14. Asking Alexandria (FaceFuck)
15. The Devil Wears Prada (tirades)
16. Hinder (Monicaa)
17. Rush (Shane)
18. Joe "I'm a retard who loves shitting all over Beatles songs" Cocker (Primus)
19. Dr. Acula (myoses)
20. Kid Rock (Razor)
21. Manowar (strat)
22. U2 (fucketh)
23. The Acacia Strain (george)
24. Theory of a Deadman (Jay)
25. HIM (myoses)
26. Disturbed (monicaa)
27. abandon all ships (beavis
28. Insane Clown Posse (Judy)
29. All Shall Perish (Shane)
30. 3 Doors Down (adam)
31. Bring Me The Horizon (FaceFuck)
2. Coldplay (dreamtheater)
3. Limp Bizkit (jay)
4. Blood On The Dancefloor (adam)
5. Dot Dot Curve (alex)
6. Nickelback (Metalsslayer)
7. Lil' Wayne (satan)
8. Stratovarius (nola)
9. Whitechapel (wine)
10. Korn (george)
11. Jonas Brothers (beavis)
12. Nirvana (bianca)
13. Emmure (illuminatus)
14. Asking Alexandria (FaceFuck)
15. The Devil Wears Prada (tirades)
16. Hinder (Monicaa)
17. Rush (Shane)
18. Joe "I'm a retard who loves shitting all over Beatles songs" Cocker (Primus)
19. Dr. Acula (myoses)
20. Kid Rock (Razor)
21. Manowar (strat)
22. U2 (fucketh)
23. The Acacia Strain (george)
24. Theory of a Deadman (Jay)
25. HIM (myoses)
26. Disturbed (monicaa)
27. abandon all ships (beavis
28. Insane Clown Posse (Judy)
29. All Shall Perish (Shane)
30. 3 Doors Down (adam)
31. Bring Me The Horizon (FaceFuck)
32. Creed (Metalsslayer)