Very shortly ago, I was under my desk and for some reason I spased out while I was under there and hit my head very hard on the underpart of the desk. It didn't really hurt, which is partly why I'm panicking. I feel like I've got a buzz of some sort from smoking or something... I'm afraid to go to sleep because I'll bleed internally or some shit. IDK I'M NOT A DOCTOR!
But I just wondered if anyone knew of something I should do or has had experience with this happening...please
um.......i seriously doubt that you injured yourself. you probably just knocked yourself into a daze, it happens sometimes.
"That's another thing I love about metal, it's so fuckin' huge yet certain people don't even know it exists." - Rob Zombie
That happened one time (Not with a desk.) and I got a mild concussion. Had speaking problems. Stuttered a lot, couldn't form sentences or think of words, etc.
But seriously, Facefuck, get to the bathroom or somewhere there are no windows and take your animals with you!
Maybe I just have a thick skull.