i wanted to like there will be blood but im sorry it was very slow and boring. daniel day lewis i s a tremendous actor but the movie just didnt grab me. and wake, Tombstone is a great underrated movie, back when Val Kilmer was actually a great actor and not a fat loser
Tombstone 1
Tombstone 2
Tombstone 3
Tombstone 4
i wanted to like there will be blood but im sorry it was very slow and boring. daniel day lewis i s a tremendous actor but the movie just didnt grab me. and wake, Tombstone is a great underrated movie, back when Val Kilmer was actually a great actor and not a fat loser
Tombstone 5
Tombstone 6
This movie was forced on me as a kid
Also, I think this rivals drink your milkshake.
Tombstone 7
Tombstone 7
nm.... guess it doesnt come out until july. checked my sources and it hasnt leaked yet