What is you favorite type of Doritos?
What is your favorite Pizza?
What type of Mountain Dew is your favorite?
I'd go with:
Cooler Ranch Doritos.
Peperoni Pizza.
Code Red.
Feel free to add your own.
Death is not the worst of evils.
You can't be down, when you're always high.
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code red ferdeff
sushi or sashimi?
rice or noodles?
do you know what edamame is?
Doritos: Ranch
Pizza: Sausage
Mountain Dew: Code Red. Even though I heard something YEARS ago about Mtn Dew fucking up your sperm count. But whatever
no I don't.
salt or pepper?
best burger joint?
best pizza place?
Burger King.
Pizza Hut.
Milk or Soda?
Salami or Bologna?
Chicken Tenders or Chicken Wings?
BK or McShit?
soup or salad?
appetizer or dessert?
sub or sandwich?
chicken or turkey?
fries with cheese or no cheese?
Sans cheeze
Chili Cheeze Fries, yay or nay?
Least favorite food (region, ie italian, japanese)
Fave fast food place
"do you know what edamame is?"
we should hang out sometime, tis excellent
don't have one
taco bell
nachos with beef or no beef?
cheese pizza or extra cheese pizza?
extra sauce on that pizza or no extra sauce?
no beef
just regular cheese
no extra sauce
im pretty simple
cookie or brownie?
quesadilla or fajita?
long john silvers or arthur treachers?
Long John Silvers since we gots none of this Arthur Teachers you speak of here...
best fruit?
best food to hide pot in?
nommiest seed?