Okay... So I came across this site. I havent done anything with it yet, but it looks really fun.
http://compassionpit.com/I'm not saying you should go and troll, or go and listen and then report back here how fucked up the person was..... however I'd really like to hear what you think of the site after trying it once.
Edit: Man, this is no where near as funny as I thought it would be. I got someone who actually listens.
Listener: hi
Me: Hi
Me: So, I might as well spill my guts, huh?
Listener: this is my first time here. what's up?
Listener: go for it
Me: Well, for the longest time, I've wanted to be "intimate" with my mother.
Listener: ok
Me: I think she's interested, sometimes she does things that make me think she would go for it, but I'm still not sure.
Listener: have you tried roll playing with other people?
Me: I've talked to my therapist about this issue and he thinks it wouldn't be a good idea, but I'm inlove with her too...
Me: It's not the same.
Me: I want her.
Listener: have you told her?
Me: No, that's the issue. I just don't know how she would take it, but then again she always leaves hints.
I like going on Omegle and messing with people, though.
Gooooood times.