The only bands I've seen live that i would pay to see again are....
Rush All That Remains Animals As Leaders Between The Buried And Me As I Lay Dying Taking Dawn AC/DC Skillet August Burns Red Enter Shikari Killswitch Engage War Of Ages
And I'll be able to add Iron Maiden to that list tomorrow
seen Iron Maiden twice... first time they played all old stuff (Somewhere Back in Time Tour) second all newer stuff (Final Frontier Tour), and Dream Theater was there Maiden's another great band live
Angel Witch 1
Angel Witch 1
Queensryche 2
Angel Witch 1
Angel Witch 1
and they were the first band i seen live
Angel Witch 1
Angel Witch 1
All That Remains
Animals As Leaders
Between The Buried And Me
As I Lay Dying
Taking Dawn
August Burns Red
Enter Shikari
Killswitch Engage
War Of Ages
And I'll be able to add Iron Maiden to that list tomorrow
second all newer stuff (Final Frontier Tour), and Dream Theater was there
Maiden's another great band live
Maiden will make up for it though.