K2 is extremely terrible for you. It gives panic attacks. One guy thought he was on fire so he grabbed a knife to end it all. Stabbed himself in the throat. Lived. Now he has a messed up throat
Oh god, salvia threw me through a loop, too. I thought I could see all the little molecules in everything. @-)
nope. none. well maybe... once in a blue moon ill have like 5 seconds were I feel like I am on LSD again. I figured it was normal, but maybe a side effect.
thats because it stays in your spinal cord and can get released whenever
I had a panick attack one of the times I tried K2...also known as the last time I tried K2. I thought my heart was going to explode, and my eyes kept pulsating.
As for someone thinking they are on fire because of K2...I don't get it. I don't think K2 is a hallucinogen. I didn't feel high at all, I just felt extremely nervous that at any moment I was going to die and nobody there would help me.
Hmm.. Didn't know. First time I tried it was cool, almost like weed. Second time I didn't feel a thing...then the third I thought I was going to die. Some kids kept doing it though. I didn't want to do it long anyway, for all we know the shit will make your kids retarded.
Hmm.. Didn't know. First time I tried it was cool, almost like weed. Second time I didn't feel a thing...then the third I thought I was going to die. Some kids kept doing it though. I didn't want to do it long anyway, for all we know the shit will make your kids retarded.
Yeah the chemicals in crap in it screw with your brain. People want to die, panic attacks happen, feel like you're on fire etc.
because like the picture says.... if you are on meth, you'll have butt-sex for 15 dollars.
Not saying all meth users are this way, but i've ran into quite a few who spent way too much time on meth. I watched my shit whenever they came around.
I'm always chill now. B-)
I thought my heart was going to explode, and my eyes kept pulsating.
As for someone thinking they are on fire because of K2...I don't get it. I don't think K2 is a hallucinogen. I didn't feel high at all, I just felt extremely nervous that at any moment I was going to die and nobody there would help me.
If you haven't listened to this before, do it. I guarantee that you won't regret it.
blue turbins
From Those Fishes - I Fingered An Old Bitch (i got Aids on my finger)