Fuck a significant other. Not being salty, just not me right now. And it's odd, met a female that's virtually my ideal girl, was able to talk Hip Hop with her for hours, actually knew her shit, just everything in common, but I didn't care enough, the old me would have been head over heels for her. Just too focused on myself and want nothing slowing that down. Rather have a one and done. Which is basically what happened with her. She got me off and I haven't talked to her much since.
YAYZ! Another October baby! What day? I was the 22nd
Holey shit Muffin Top you share the same birthday as my wife but she is better looking than you and is about 20 years older Libra huh? So you see both sides to every argument? And have trouble making a decision?
I see both sides to arguements and peoples issues they come to me with for advice. I always have trouble making a decision...but I'm a Leo ) and I'm really stubborn.
And......151 days
birthday as my wife but she is better looking than you and is about 20 years older
Libra huh?
So you see both sides to every argument?
And have trouble making a decision?