Where I come from I have a reputation. People don't fuck with me. I don't let them bother me and I certainly don't let internet fucks like you say shit to me. I'd like to see you say that to me in the pit.
Look little boy, I'm 20 years old and I'm not the ugliest person in the world. That pic isn't fucking bad anyways so shut the fuck up. And here you are, pulling the "mature" card like you always do. And you aren't one bit of mature. You need to hit puberty, fuck a couple girls, not beat innocent people up because they said something about dimebag, freak out like a 10 year old girl when Behemoth comes to town, not fake your own death online to "get back" at people, quit pulling the mature card all the time, ect ect.
I'm sorry I may have offended you with a picture of me almost naked. Now go fucking cry in a corner like when your girly girl left you.
I'm sorry I may have offended you with a picture of me almost naked. Now go fucking cry in a corner like when your girly girl left you.
You are wrong. Kthnxbai