Honestly if some of these singers did metal I would be willing to accept it, Daughtry did hard rock for a couple songs and they weren't bad songs at all.
If you take their lyrics seriously, then I'll agree 1000%, yes that's right, one thousand percent. Frankie is an absolute nutcase but as simple as their shit is it's catchy as hell to me.
Today...you people are no longer maggots. Tonight, you pukes will sleep with your rifles. You will give your rifle a girl's name because this is the only pussy you people are going to get. 8-X {Upload|2806}
Everytime I hear that on the radio I think its nickleback.
I just can't get myself to give him any kind of compliment. Yeah, I'm biased, wanna fight about it?
how hard is it to right radio rock not that hard.
Fixed. man you know you fucked up if i'm the one correcting you lol