quite the odd and confusing anime. it was almost painful to understand what was going on, and make some sense of the overarching story. really weird too, like incestuously weird at parts. Also really depressing, the ending almost made me tear up.
but overall I thought it was enjoyable, and interesting. a lot of repeated symbolism and motifs present.
I also believe its the same artist as on Sailor Moon.
wow. i just watched the first season of breaking bad plus like 3 episodes in the second season. all i gotta say is Dexter >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> BB. anyone who disagrees is fucking retarded.
drinkwine732Posts: 20,418destroyer of motherfuckers
I've watched Dexter since it came out and I love it, but it doesn't have moments that make you shut the fuck up and pay attention like Breaking Bad does.
not watching because idk if i've seen before but you retarded. i can see everything that is coming in BB. Dexter keeps me guessing. What kind of ending was that to season 1 for BB. I rest my case.
I've watched Dexter since it came out and I love it, but it doesn't have moments that make you shut the fuck up and pay attention like Breaking Bad does.
i have only seen the first season and the first couple episodes of the second season but i think they introduced hank too soon. He is going to catch him in my eyes. inb4spoilers.
drinkwine732Posts: 20,418destroyer of motherfuckers
I can't really spoil the show for you, because the show doesn't really work like that. It's not about what happens in the episodes, it's about Walt. They introduce Hank, but they don't really introduce him at the exact same time. He's not too significant of a character, where you are.
i'll keep watching and then make a ruling. Honestly though, it's going to take a lot to beat dexter. From what i've seen so far it's nowhere near the show that Dexter is.
Im a few episodes into the fourth season of breaking bad. It has got a lot better especially toward the end of three but the slow parts throughout episodes and seasons carry on so much its hard to watch at times. The series is good but its not great like I've been hearing. Hoping to be caught up this weekend.
You tryin to be a hero fool? You wanna see badass mother fucker?! I'll show ya a badass!!!
quite the odd and confusing anime. it was almost painful to understand what was going on, and make some sense of the overarching story. really weird too, like incestuously weird at parts. Also really depressing, the ending almost made me tear up.
but overall I thought it was enjoyable, and interesting. a lot of repeated symbolism and motifs present.
I also believe its the same artist as on Sailor Moon.
dexter > BB
As a person who's seen all of Breaking Bad, I really don't think you know what's coming.