i saw this on the official boards and i remember something like this happening last year...
Korn-trash Zombie-living dead girl Lamb of God-Blood of the Scribe 5fdp-salvation Hatebreed-A call for blood Chimaira- Dehumanizing process Shadows fall-my demise Winds of Plague- Anthems of apocalypse
Korn - Freak on a Leash Zombie - Demon Speeding LoG - Contractor 5FDP - The Bleeding Hatebreed - Defeatist Chimaira - The Flame Shadows Fall - Redemption Winds of Plague - The Impaler In This Moment - Beautiful Tragedy Atreyu - Honor Norma Jean - Birth of the Anti-Mother 3 Inches of Blood - idk
Korn - Falling Away From Me Rob Zombie - Living Dead Girl 5FDP - Ashes? Haven't listened to the album since 08 mayhem Hatebreed - Give Wings To My Triumph Chimaira - Nothing Remains Winds of Plague - Anthems of Apocolypse
Korn - thoughtless zombie- dont care lamb of god - ruin five finger death punch - the one where they leave the stage and don't return hatebreed- I will be heard chimaira- pure hatred shadows fall- see five finger death punch winds of plague- legions atreyu- lip gloss and black Norma Jean- see shadows fall 3 inches of blood- deadly sinners in this moment - beautiful tragedy
You tryin to be a hero fool? You wanna see badass mother fucker?! I'll show ya a badass!!!
Korn-freak on a leash or falling away from me rob zombie-dragula lamb of god-grace or descending ffdp-don't care hatebreed-not my master (only have their latest album) chimaira-pure hatred or coming alive shadows fall-just started listening to them winds of plague-just started listening to them atreyu-when two are one or bleeding mascara
Korn - Blind Rob Zombie - Demonoid Phenomenon /Never gonna Stop Lamb Of God - Walk With Me In Hell 5FDP - Salvation/No One Gets Left Behind Hatebreed - I Will Be Heard Chimaria - Pure Hatered Shadows Fall - What Drives The Weak
As far as the rest of the lineup goes......... I don't care.
korn - falling away from me rob zombie - dragula lamb of god - laid to rest five finger death punch - the way of the fist hatebreed - proven atreyu - the remembrance ballad chimaira - dont really care much for this band, interested to see them live, maybe itll change my mind in this moment - daddys falling angel shadows fall - still i rise norma jean - memphis will be laid to waste 3 inches of blood - goatriders horde winds of plague - our requiem
korn - blind / freak on a leash rob zombie - demonoid phenomenon lamb of god - more time to kill five finger death punch - place to die / the bleeding hatebreed - destroy everything chimaira - power trip winds of plague - one body too many shadows fall - thoughts without words atreyu - at least i know i'm a sinner norma jean - idk in this moment - have no fear 3 inches of blood - deadly sinners
Korn: Blind, Falling away from me, freak on a leash, ADIDAS Rob Zombie: Dragula, Living Dead Girl Lamb of God: Walk with me in hell, omerta, the faded line, now youve got something to die for FFDP: The Bleeding, Ashes
Hatebreed: In ashes they shall reap, I will be heard, destroy everything Chimaira: Ressurection shadows fall: still I rise winds of plague: decimate the weak, the impaler
atreyu: our sick story, becoming the bull norma jean: NONE in this moment: beautiful tragedy, forever 3 inches of blood: deadly sinners
Korn: id be happy if they just played everything pre see you on the other side Rob Zombie: Dragula Lamb of God: vigil, omerta, hourglass FFDP: dying breed
Hatebreed: everyone bleeds now, doomsayer Chimaira: pure hatred shadows fall: still I rise winds of plague: decimate the weak
atreyu: becoming the bull norma jean: BATHROOM BREAK in this moment: FOOD BREAK 3 inches of blood: never really listened to them, probably go get sum shit signed or some merch or something
Korn - Freak On A Leash Zombie - Superbeast, Scum of the Earth, Super Charger Heaven Lamb of God - Blacken The Cursed Sun FFDP - A Place To Die, Hard To See
Hatebreed - Destroy Everything Chimaira - Resurrection Shadows Fall - The Light That Blinds
3 Inches of Blood - Deadly Sinners (need to listen more)
Korn - Make me bad Zombie - meet the creeper LoG - Contractor 5FDP - meet the monster Hatebreed - i will be heard Chimaira - destroy and dominate Shadows Fall - the light that blinds Winds of Plague - Angels of Debauchery In This Moment - Beautiful Tragedy Atreyu - horrible band Norma Jean - horrible band 3 Inches of Blood - goatriders hoarde
Korn - Blind Rob Zombie - Dragula Lamb of God - Now You've Got Something to Die For 5FDP - Meet the Monster Hatebreed - I Will Be Heard Chimaira - Never actually listened to them Shadows Fall - Still I Rise Winds of Plague - The Impaler In This Moment - Prayers Atreyu - Bleeding Mascara Norma Jean - Never listened to them 3 Inches of Blood - Destroy the Orcs
I'm not a fan of Mark Hunter's lyrics, quite honestly. To me, it seems like a 10 year old could write them. But when you see Chimaira live, it doesn't fucking matter. They put on one of the BEST live shows I've ever seen.
Zombie - Demon Speeding
LoG - Contractor
5FDP - The Bleeding
Hatebreed - Defeatist
Chimaira - The Flame
Shadows Fall - Redemption
Winds of Plague - The Impaler
In This Moment - Beautiful Tragedy
Atreyu - Honor
Norma Jean - Birth of the Anti-Mother
3 Inches of Blood - idk
Rob Zombie - Living Dead Girl
5FDP - Ashes? Haven't listened to the album since 08 mayhem
Hatebreed - Give Wings To My Triumph
Chimaira - Nothing Remains
Winds of Plague - Anthems of Apocolypse
All I can think of for now
zombie- dont care
lamb of god - ruin
five finger death punch - the one where they leave the stage and don't return
hatebreed- I will be heard
chimaira- pure hatred
shadows fall- see five finger death punch
winds of plague- legions
atreyu- lip gloss and black
Norma Jean- see shadows fall
3 inches of blood- deadly sinners
in this moment - beautiful tragedy
rob zombie-dragula
lamb of god-grace or descending
ffdp-don't care
hatebreed-not my master (only have their latest album)
chimaira-pure hatred or coming alive
shadows fall-just started listening to them
winds of plague-just started listening to them
atreyu-when two are one or bleeding mascara
don't care about the others
Rob Zombie - Demonoid Phenomenon /Never gonna Stop
Lamb Of God - Walk With Me In Hell
5FDP - Salvation/No One Gets Left Behind
Hatebreed - I Will Be Heard
Chimaria - Pure Hatered
Shadows Fall - What Drives The Weak
As far as the rest of the lineup goes......... I don't care.
bathroom breaks.
rob zombie - dragula
lamb of god - laid to rest
five finger death punch - the way of the fist
hatebreed - proven
atreyu - the remembrance ballad
chimaira - dont really care much for this band, interested to see them live, maybe itll change my mind
in this moment - daddys falling angel
shadows fall - still i rise
norma jean - memphis will be laid to waste
3 inches of blood - goatriders horde
winds of plague - our requiem
rob zombie - demonoid phenomenon
lamb of god - more time to kill
five finger death punch - place to die / the bleeding
hatebreed - destroy everything
chimaira - power trip
winds of plague - one body too many
shadows fall - thoughts without words
atreyu - at least i know i'm a sinner
norma jean - idk
in this moment - have no fear
3 inches of blood - deadly sinners
Rob Zombie: Dragula, Living Dead Girl
Lamb of God: Walk with me in hell, omerta, the faded line, now youve got something to die for
FFDP: The Bleeding, Ashes
Hatebreed: In ashes they shall reap, I will be heard, destroy everything
Chimaira: Ressurection
shadows fall: still I rise
winds of plague: decimate the weak, the impaler
atreyu: our sick story, becoming the bull
norma jean: NONE
in this moment: beautiful tragedy, forever
3 inches of blood: deadly sinners
Rob Zombie: Dragula
Lamb of God: vigil, omerta, hourglass
FFDP: dying breed
Hatebreed: everyone bleeds now, doomsayer
Chimaira: pure hatred
shadows fall: still I rise
winds of plague: decimate the weak
atreyu: becoming the bull
norma jean: BATHROOM BREAK
in this moment: FOOD BREAK
3 inches of blood: never really listened to them, probably go get sum shit signed or some merch or something
Zombie - Superbeast, Scum of the Earth, Super Charger Heaven
Lamb of God - Blacken The Cursed Sun
FFDP - A Place To Die, Hard To See
Hatebreed - Destroy Everything
Chimaira - Resurrection
Shadows Fall - The Light That Blinds
3 Inches of Blood - Deadly Sinners (need to listen more)
Screw the rest.
Zombie - meet the creeper
LoG - Contractor
5FDP - meet the monster
Hatebreed - i will be heard
Chimaira - destroy and dominate
Shadows Fall - the light that blinds
Winds of Plague - Angels of Debauchery
In This Moment - Beautiful Tragedy
Atreyu - horrible band
Norma Jean - horrible band
3 Inches of Blood - goatriders hoarde
Rob Zombie - Dragula
Lamb of God - Now You've Got Something to Die For
5FDP - Meet the Monster
Hatebreed - I Will Be Heard
Chimaira - Never actually listened to them
Shadows Fall - Still I Rise
Winds of Plague - The Impaler
In This Moment - Prayers
Atreyu - Bleeding Mascara
Norma Jean - Never listened to them
3 Inches of Blood - Destroy the Orcs
What's a good song to start with?
any suggestions?