went to the Tsunami fest, I will rate the band in oreder fomr best to worst which I saw and give a mini review, I wont go into too much detail, just give an overview of the weekend...
Trial Wisdom in Chains Blood for Blood Foose Shattered Realm Death Threat Incendiary 108 No Redeeming Social Value Shutdown Shelter Sworn Enemy Hazen St. Skarhead Colin Of Arabia the rest I was either chillin outside or the band didnt show up.
Trial was one of the best sets in any music genre I have ever seen. I knew they were gonna rule, but wasnt expecting them to rule that hard. What they bring energy wise and their message was just incredible, I think if anyone a fan of any genre seen them, they would fucking have a blast and take something good from their music. great band, glad i went the 2nd day to see them. Wisdom in Chains was also very exciting, they really got the hometown crowd into it, they play kind of an oldschool hardcore/punk Oi type music, it was fun and I had a great time during their set, both Trial and WiC had no sound problems and their music sounded very good, almost split the place in2. Blood for Blood, I have been waiting to see this band for a fucking decade and they did not dissapoint, a few bass problems, but they played all my favorite tunes, I was up front the entire time for them, no rail, stagedives all weekend, dood from Biohazard filled in for WT Rob, he was good, wish Rob would have been there though. The bass had some sound issues, but besides that they were verything I expected and had a real nice pit and everyone including all the band from the day stayed around to check them out, they said new album in about a year, cant wait. Foose was a band I never heard of before and I'm glad I showed up early that day and caught their set, they were more of a punk band, but I loved their energy and sound, they had the 80's style blast riffs and breakdowns and the singer really loved what he did, it was fun.Shattered Realm from NJ with their original singer from 2004 had the biggest pit of the day and possiblew the biggest fucking pit i ever seen, sucks, I recieved to blows to the head during their set which gave me a headache for the rest of the day, but it was worth it, glad these doods got back together.
Death Threat(one of my alltime favorite HC bands, great set as usual) Incendiary(first time seeing/hearing, NYHC sound, i expect big things from these dudes) 108(insane fucking set, reminded me of glassjaw mixed with DEP, i think i would have enjoyed them more if I wasnt so pumped for Trial) No Redeeming Social Value(punk band all about having fun, loved the beer costume) Shutdown(NYHC at its best, great set another band I was on edge for waiting for Trial) Shelter( after Trial, they couldnt really live up to that set, I left after a few songs) Sworn Enemy(liekd the old songs, dont like the new shit, this band went in a different direction then I hoped) Hazen St.(like a pop/punk band theyre alright, just not my style, theyre good at what they do) Skarhead(i really wanted to see these guys, but i was hungry as fuck and didnt want to miss WiC, so i watched like 2 songs and ate before WiC, kinds pissed, but a nigga gotta eat, they didnt suck, just sisnt reall stick around for them) Colin Of Arabia(just got their wasnt really interested, maybe at a different time I would like them)
Great weekednd, I loced the venue, it was huge, I liked the way it was setup. they had band members flipping burgers and chickin and hotdogs and shit on the grill outside for cheap as shit, $2 burgers $1 hotdogs, $2 waters. parking was free. It was just awesome not being ripped off for once and getting your money's worth. thats what I love so much about the hardcore scene, its about everyone having a goodtime and all of us as equals, just cause a band memeber is on stage doesnt make them any better then anyone else, they just make good rewason and try to spread the word whether it be positive or brotherhood, or just having fun, it was a blast. everyone was so thankful for the entire show, and I didnt see one fucking fight, thats insane for the types of pits that were going on that not one fight happened. big *brofists* to everyone. Positive controlled insanity and moshing FTW, all wekend I seeen people fall get hit and others just helpeed them! this weekend just made me realize once again what I love so much about hardcore and the hardcore scene. and the people who put on the show did a great job keeping everything in price range and not ripping anyone off, unlike sporting events, i paid $13 to park at the Flyers games<_> ...
I spent $80 on merch, merch was cheap as fuck. for $80 I got
Trial T-shirt Blood for Blood T-shirt Shattered Realm T-shirt Trial cd 2 Wisdom in Chains cd's 2 Foose cd's 108 cd
I had a blast of a weekend, I thank everyone who put on such an amazing show for so cheap and thank the bands who came out and played. This is a lineup I will never forget.
^ for a split second at the 1:48 mark, you can see me plow the front row, i'm wearing a black shirt and camo shorts... and I'm standing right in the front the entire video pretty much with the black shirt and white letters on the back, fuckyeah!!!!!!!
and the mic was out for the 1st song (technical difficulties) but it kind of made it better cause the singer greg just sang it allowed with the entire crowd, what a fucking set....
Wisdom in Chains
Blood for Blood
Shattered Realm
Death Threat
No Redeeming Social Value
Sworn Enemy
Hazen St.
Colin Of Arabia
the rest I was either chillin outside or the band didnt show up.
Trial was one of the best sets in any music genre I have ever seen. I knew they were gonna rule, but wasnt expecting them to rule that hard. What they bring energy wise and their message was just incredible, I think if anyone a fan of any genre seen them, they would fucking have a blast and take something good from their music. great band, glad i went the 2nd day to see them. Wisdom in Chains was also very exciting, they really got the hometown crowd into it, they play kind of an oldschool hardcore/punk Oi type music, it was fun and I had a great time during their set, both Trial and WiC had no sound problems and their music sounded very good, almost split the place in2. Blood for Blood, I have been waiting to see this band for a fucking decade and they did not dissapoint, a few bass problems, but they played all my favorite tunes, I was up front the entire time for them, no rail, stagedives all weekend, dood from Biohazard filled in for WT Rob, he was good, wish Rob would have been there though. The bass had some sound issues, but besides that they were verything I expected and had a real nice pit and everyone including all the band from the day stayed around to check them out, they said new album in about a year, cant wait. Foose was a band I never heard of before and I'm glad I showed up early that day and caught their set, they were more of a punk band, but I loved their energy and sound, they had the 80's style blast riffs and breakdowns and the singer really loved what he did, it was fun.Shattered Realm from NJ with their original singer from 2004 had the biggest pit of the day and possiblew the biggest fucking pit i ever seen, sucks, I recieved to blows to the head during their set which gave me a headache for the rest of the day, but it was worth it, glad these doods got back together.
Death Threat(one of my alltime favorite HC bands, great set as usual)
Incendiary(first time seeing/hearing, NYHC sound, i expect big things from these dudes)
108(insane fucking set, reminded me of glassjaw mixed with DEP, i think i would have enjoyed them more if I wasnt so pumped for Trial)
No Redeeming Social Value(punk band all about having fun, loved the beer costume)
Shutdown(NYHC at its best, great set another band I was on edge for waiting for Trial)
Shelter( after Trial, they couldnt really live up to that set, I left after a few songs)
Sworn Enemy(liekd the old songs, dont like the new shit, this band went in a different direction then I hoped)
Hazen St.(like a pop/punk band theyre alright, just not my style, theyre good at what they do)
Skarhead(i really wanted to see these guys, but i was hungry as fuck and didnt want to miss WiC, so i watched like 2 songs and ate before WiC, kinds pissed, but a nigga gotta eat, they didnt suck, just sisnt reall stick around for them)
Colin Of Arabia(just got their wasnt really interested, maybe at a different time I would like them)
Great weekednd, I loced the venue, it was huge, I liked the way it was setup. they had band members flipping burgers and chickin and hotdogs and shit on the grill outside for cheap as shit, $2 burgers $1 hotdogs, $2 waters. parking was free. It was just awesome not being ripped off for once and getting your money's worth. thats what I love so much about the hardcore scene, its about everyone having a goodtime and all of us as equals, just cause a band memeber is on stage doesnt make them any better then anyone else, they just make good rewason and try to spread the word whether it be positive or brotherhood, or just having fun, it was a blast. everyone was so thankful for the entire show, and I didnt see one fucking fight, thats insane for the types of pits that were going on that not one fight happened. big *brofists* to everyone. Positive controlled insanity and moshing FTW, all wekend I seeen people fall get hit and others just helpeed them! this weekend just made me realize once again what I love so much about hardcore and the hardcore scene. and the people who put on the show did a great job keeping everything in price range and not ripping anyone off, unlike sporting events, i paid $13 to park at the Flyers games<_> ...
I spent $80 on merch, merch was cheap as fuck. for $80 I got
Trial T-shirt
Blood for Blood T-shirt
Shattered Realm T-shirt
Trial cd
2 Wisdom in Chains cd's
2 Foose cd's
108 cd
I had a blast of a weekend, I thank everyone who put on such an amazing show for so cheap and thank the bands who came out and played. This is a lineup I will never forget.
I love band shirts that use logos
and the mic was out for the 1st song (technical difficulties) but it kind of made it better cause the singer greg just sang it allowed with the entire crowd, what a fucking set....