1D_for_lifePosts: 13,785destroyer of motherfuckers
edited April 2011
My friend's band Burden Me releases some new stuff from their new EP today! The rest is set to be released tomorrow. They went more punk with this album but I'm diggin' it :-c
Where you gonna be posted up at? You should try to get a spot on the side of the stage.... just go to the Merch stand and talk to the Terror band members, I bet if you ask, they'll let you up there. Fuck, they might even just offer if they see your leg..
http://burdenme.bandcamp.com/album/burden-me (new album)
The myspace just has their first album on it
None of my female friends enjoy hardcore/metal music unfortunately
...maybe you can use your fukked up leg as an advantage to score chicks! theres usually quite a few dimes at Terror shows~!