I got there about half way through Mutiny Within's set, and I wasn't into them at all. The crowd was a completely different story. Only Dreaming Dead have gotten a better crowd response as an opener. The pit was what I was thinking Arch Enemy's would look like. It was fun, no matter how much I didn't like the music.
Next up was Arsis, who I was really excited for. I've been jamming all of their albums for the last few weeks in preparation to have my balls torn off at their show, and they seriously delivered. They opened with Forced to Rock, my least favorite song by them, and they managed to make it sound awesome. I was extremely pleased with their set.
Forced To Rock
A March For The Sick
A Diamond For Disease
We Are The Nightmare
The Sadistic Movements Behind Bereavement Letters
The Promise Of Never
The Face Of My Innocence
For Exodus, it was something special. Everyone in the crowd was totally prepared for destruction. I was right up front hoping to be able to stay up there the whole set and I was lucky enough to be there the whole time. I was really hoping since they were back home they'd do something special, and boy did they. They opened with Bonded, which got the crowd revved up like I've never seen. After Iconoclasm and a Lesson in Violence, I got concerned they would just do the same thing the whole tour got. But after tearing through Piranha, Dethamphetamine and Blacklist, they told us that Seattle's pit was bigger than ours, resulting in a cascade of boos. Rob then announced that Steve "Zetro" Souza would be singing Toxic Waltz for us. I was surprised, cause I was thinking it'd just be like any other show, but man can that guy rock. After Toxic Waltz they finished with Strike of the Beast and I was totally beat.
Bonded By Blood
A Lesson In Violence
Children Of A Worthless God
War Is My Shepherd
The Toxic Waltz
Strike of the Beast
As for Arch Enemy, they really put on a stellar set. But the only problem was, I was still in awe of the set that Exodus just played, so I was taking it easy. They put on a fun show. It's a shame I can't write any more than this, but that's all I can say, they were fun.
Intro (tape)
The Immortal
Revolution Begins
Taking Back My Soul
My Apocalypse
Silent Wars
Drum Solo
I Will Live Again
Dead Eyes See No Future
Bury Me An Angel
Dead Bury Their Dead
We Will Rise
Amott Bros Solo
Any other night, it would have been Arch Enemy who blew me away, but this was Exodus' show. They owned the venue.
inb4 holy wall of text batman.

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We got a better setlist though...
btw, Exodus pick is mine.
"I have yet to listen to Arsis. they any good?"
By far one of my favorites. I am suffering from post-concert euphoria though, so I may not be impartial.
I don't know why people don't like the new cd but whatever....
juzt pullin your arm
A Lesson in Violence
Children of a Worthless God
War Is My Shepherd
Strike of the Beast
The Toxic Waltz
Shovel Headed Kill Machine
Shorter? Yes. But I much prefer this set.
You missed Exodus put on a great show though.
I must say though, the timing on SHKM was so fucked the song was completely unrecognizable until the chorus. I went insane when they announced the song, they started playing and I was like....what? lol still sick as fuck. Did you get the tour shirt? Its my new favorite shirt.
I must say though, I thought the shirt for the dvd was kinda weird. It was an advertisement lol. "2 DVD's and one CD" "Exodus' first live dvd and documentary"
Wine keepz sexting me
awh i thought i wuz speshul to you wine!!