Come to think of it I think there was a pop group that actually did a song called "Soda Pop". Can't remember who did it though. I think it was the backstreet boys or something.
Come to think of it I think there was a pop group that actually did a song called "Soda Pop". Can't remember who did it though. I think it was the backstreet boys or something.
Come to think of it I think there was a pop group that actually did a song called "Soda Pop". Can't remember who did it though. I think it was the backstreet boys or something.
Come to think of it I think there was a pop group that actually did a song called "Soda Pop". Can't remember who did it though. I think it was the backstreet boys or something.
It was Britney Spears...and it was on the Pokemon original movie soudtrack.
Come to think of it I think there was a pop group that actually did a song called "Soda Pop". Can't remember who did it though. I think it was the backstreet boys or something.
It was Britney Spears...and it was on the Pokemon original movie soudtrack.
THATS where I know it from. I remember it all now. I actually bought the soundtrack to that movie when it came out.
didnt britney spears have a song called soda pop?
That's what I was thinking of. Maybe that's where the genre got its name from?
<_> no, Will. just no. I can't jayface you hard enough right now. you have no idea.
I was being sarcastic...
you've earned a reputation. put some effort into your sarcasm.
I said it was called "soda pop" in one of the first argument n everyone was like "NO"
you think pop music got its name form britney spears?? <_>
I do refer to Pepsi as being "Coke" however.
Next time, I will.