For the xbox live peoples. I will be on after JS if you want to play something, since my shenanigans for the night are now over. Directed toward Brad and Dayna since they are the only ones that play nowadays.
Id be online more if you n marc didnt try and see who can derp louder.
For the xbox live peoples. I will be on after JS if you want to play something, since my shenanigans for the night are now over. Directed toward Brad and Dayna since they are the only ones that play nowadays.
Id be online more if you n marc didnt try and see who can derp louder.
For the xbox live peoples. I will be on after JS if you want to play something, since my shenanigans for the night are now over. Directed toward Brad and Dayna since they are the only ones that play nowadays.
Id be online more if you n marc didnt try and see who can derp louder.
And wow what Ed? He wanted Marvel vs Capcom 3 so he traded it for now and is going to get it again later on <_>
And he texted me earlier asking if I was going to get on.