The funny thing is too, relating to the post that Jobe posted, is that weed is what got me into squares. I had the typical noob reaction to weed, and always wanted to smoke, so, I ended picking squares up, at first it was occasional, grew from there. But, I do wanna quit, but I won't make the serious effort to do so 'til I start Vocal lessons. Least I admit that, instead of being like so many smokers in denial who constantly front, tryna say "Oh, I'm tryna quit so bad.", and really ain't making an effort at all. I ain't giving even half an effort to quit right now, but I will once I finally get a job and start Vocal lessons, and that's a promise. I have the mental strength and discipline of a Bull.
I work with like 15 black dudes, they all call them squares, which is probably why erik uses the term.
No. Keep living in this fantasy that I do shit just 'cause black dudes do it. I grew up around them being called squares, being in Chicago and shit. My Cousin, my Uncle, even my Mom occasionally calls them squares, although she mainly just says smokes.
how does a Bull get "discipline" its a big dumb animal that cant be trained to do shit.... the only way you can train a fukkin bull is to cut its balls off which makes it a stear... ure fukkin vanacular is stupid and ure fukkin tarded the way u talk so y dont u stfu
blue turbins
From Those Fishes - I Fingered An Old Bitch (i got Aids on my finger)
how does a Bull get "discipline" its a big dumb animal that cant be trained to do shit.... the only way you can train a fukkin bull is to cut its balls off which makes it a stear... ure fukkin vanacular is stupid and ure fukkin tarded the way u talk so y dont u stfu
Lol wow, your fat ass is really digging to the barren bottom of the barrel for anything to talk shit about now. So fucking sad.
And it's adorable when you call me retarded. )
Coming from a 40 year old alcoholic with no job, and no life, who spends his entire day on a fucking Internet forum, unable to form an intelligible sentence, 'cause he insists on typing like a fucking Cat in "Z-Langz", the same societally incapable fucking moron who didn't even know what spay/neuter meant at fucking 40 years old. Might I mention your YouTube videos that you constantly make, stalking a bitch across the country from an Internet forum, who's 20 years younger than you, while you blabber like an incomprehensible neanderthal?
blue turbins
From Those Fishes - I Fingered An Old Bitch (i got Aids on my finger)
blue turbins
From Those Fishes - I Fingered An Old Bitch (i got Aids on my finger)
And it's adorable when you call me retarded.
Coming from a 40 year old alcoholic with no job, and no life, who spends his entire day on a fucking Internet forum, unable to form an intelligible sentence, 'cause he insists on typing like a fucking Cat in "Z-Langz", the same societally incapable fucking moron who didn't even know what spay/neuter meant at fucking 40 years old. Might I mention your YouTube videos that you constantly make, stalking a bitch across the country from an Internet forum, who's 20 years younger than you, while you blabber like an incomprehensible neanderthal?