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Megadave's big news

SantanaSantana Posts: 16,743 juggalo
edited February 2010 in Off Topic
So the big news is either the show in norway with immortal and others or it's this:

Mustaine recently told AOL's Noisecreep about his upcoming autobiography, "It's easy to hate somebody that you don't like. But you know what? People don't know who I am. Who they think I am is not really who I am, because they guy that they've continued to vilify in the press, that guy's been gone a long time. And I think anyone who reads this book will see that."

"Wake Up Dead: A Heavy Metal Memoir" is not simply a tell-all story of decadence and debauchery.

"That stuff is mundane," Mustaine told Noisecreep. "We come to expect that from rock stars, so why would I talk about it? Everybody knows it happened. I want to talk about things that are way more important. There's stuff in there about how the band was formed, why I chose to sing, how the different band members came and went, how different songs were written, stuff that happened through the addictions and rehabs. And when I got done reading it for the first time, when I closed the last page I actually had tears in my eyes because somebody had finally gotten who I am as a person in print."

According to Mustaine, part of the book reveals how he practiced black magic as a teenager, and how the experience — which inspired the 1986 song "The Conjuring" — affected his life for years after.

"I put two hexes on people, and they both worked and the result was just what I was asking for," he explained. "Now, it took forever to get that Satanic depression off of me because it's just like playing with a Ouija board. You open the doorway to the dark side, and spirits come through. It took almost 20 years to get rid of that Satanic depression. I did it when I was 15, and I don't think I got free of it until I was in my mid-30s.You ask yourself, 'How is it possible that this is happening to me?' Well, because you flirted with the devil and you put a hex on somebody and you put another hex on somebody, and, well, you owe him. And that's why I have a problem playing 'The Conjuring' today."

Read the entire article at


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