DAMNITTTTTTTTTTTTTTT... it was last night? I was sitting here doing fucking nothing I could have listened. my badd i forgot :-( I'll tune in next week. Fuck Yeahh!!! Britt's BACKKKKK \m/
DAMNITTTTTTTTTTTTTTT... it was last night? I was sitting here doing fucking nothing I could have listened. my badd i forgot :-( I'll tune in next week. Fuck Yeahh!!! Britt's BACKKKKK \m/
Hell Yeah, I'm back!!!!! You better listen next week. Out of curiousity, can you get the signal on actual radio?
Britt you shout me out next time, cuz I'll definitely listen.....
whats the station again britt? i tried to skim but couldnt find it...
I was actually wondering this too. I dont live anywhere near you but I have been looking into several radio apps for my phone that let you listen to stations around the country, so I figured I would give it a shot.
That you do. I was bitching to Susan that the station director only gave me an hour so she told me to just take the next hour and if I get in trouble, she'll go to bat for me. Woohoo. Also, gots me a co-host...if he shows up. A freshman named Sam that's very much into thrash.
So, I got a co-host now and another hour onto my show, I'm now 12am-2am.
We gets another hour of awesomitude.