Feels like a massage on the teeth and gums to me, its like when you pickin a popcorn kernal that stuck in the back for like 3 hours and you finally get it, your disappointed cuz it was fun pickin at it. I got my wisdom teeth takin out all at once, they numb the shit now and like drill into your bone, and you can feel the grinding, I kinda like that, the Dentist told me I was his best customer in a long time, and that most people scream bloody murder, plus not only that they hook you up fatty with the vikadins and your floatin on air for a coupla weeks, feelin all untouchable, dont know why people hate goin to the dentist, yeh wierdo's.
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Sucks I gotta go next week because my bite is off and its making me grind my teeth when I chew food.