*shutters* Jury duty...that was not fun. Camden...
But this is funny.
i got summoned for jury duty 4 times and i'm only 26. the last time was a mistake and i didnt have to go cuz youre only supposed to get called every 3 years. i hate jury duty, i know people my age that havent been called once. Now when i get called, it will be trenton, not camden...might as well just stayed in camden, at least the blind consession stand guy gave me lolz...
*shutters* Jury duty...that was not fun. Camden...
But this is funny.
i got summoned for jury duty 4 times and i'm only 26. the last time was a mistake and i didnt have to go cuz youre only supposed to get called every 3 years. i hate jury duty, i know people my age that havent been called once. Now when i get called, it will be trenton, not camden...might as well just stayed in camden, at least the blind consession stand guy gave me lolz...
I've only got summoned once. None of my friends have be summoned yet, but I got another 2 1/2 yrs before they can call me again. I didn't go to the blind concession guy...I braved the streets of Camden for CVS.
blue turbins
From Those Fishes - I Fingered An Old Bitch (i got Aids on my finger)