to discuss whatever you want from the boob tube
I had to laugh at Skins. Its supposed to be set in Baltimore Md (or around there) and that isn't any Baltimore i've ever seen. FAIL
And theres this too from the wonderful folks at the PTC
The following is the most urgent alert the PTC has ever sent to parents.
It is absolutely crucial that you be aware of the most dangerous program that has ever been foisted on your children!
Next Monday, January 17th, at 10:00 p.m. Eastern and Pacific (only 9:00 p.m. Central/Mountain), MTV will debut its new series Skins. Here’s why this program is so dangerous to your kids:
· Skins is filled with graphic content involving high-school children, including depictions of teens drinking, smoking marijuana, and using massive quantities of drugs, engaging in violent acts, and having irresponsible sex with each other, with their schoolteachers, and with other adults. Other TV shows, like Gossip Girl, have included some of these activities; but Skins’ depiction of such activities is on a scale never before seen on TV. Skins is so extreme that MTV is rating the program TV-MA – a rating cable has previously reserved for programs like FX’s ultra-violent and quasi-pornographic series Nip/Tuck, which was wholly unsuitable for all but those who crave explicit material.
· Skins is about high-school children. Mixed in with the graphic drug use and sex scenes are storylines about falling in love and problems at school – elements sure to generate interest from teens. The show is being written, in part, by teens. And the Skins cast is actually made up of teenagers, not adult actors playing teens. One cast member is only 15 years old.
· Skins has been extensively marketed to high-school children. Internet sites like have carried dozens of promos and stories about the new show. Many of the Internet ad campaigns have shown how Skins blatantly urges children to lie to and defy their parents, and engage in risky and dangerous behavior. MTV may try to claim that this show is intended for adults – but the way the show has been peddled to kids reveals the truth. MTV WANTS your kids to see – and be influenced by -- this program!
MTV is deliberately aiming an explicit adult series – one the network itself rates as appropriate only for adults – at YOUR CHILDREN!
To see for yourself just how bad this show is, look at this video placed on YouTube -- the most popular online destination for millions of children and teens -- to promote the series. WARNING: The video contains graphic content.
The most important thing to us at the PTC is that parents and grandparents like you are aware of this program so you can protect your children and grandchildren.
But it is grossly unfair of MTV – a basic cable and satellite channel – to require parents to underwrite a show that encourages children to lie and turn against their parents.
About one dollar of your cable or satellite subscription fee goes to MTV each month. That’s more than $10 that subscribers like you pay to MTV every year. And there are 100 million cable and satellite subscribers in the U.S. That means that MTV is collecting a billion dollars a year from parents and families – and they are using the money to make programs that glorify children using drugs, having sex, and defying their parents!
If you are tired of the entertainment industry deliberately targeting your kids with their corrosive programming – and forcing you to pay for it -- you can TAKE ACTION!
With Cable Choice, you would be able to select – and pay for – only the channels you actually watch. You would no longer be forced to pay for hundreds of programs on dozens of channels you don’t want – including ones that target your kids!
To sign our Cable Choice petition – demanding that we as consumers must be given the choice over which cable networks we want to pay for – CLICK HERE.
And please consider assisting the PTC financially. Our mission is to help you protect your children from programs like Skins. Please help us to keep you informed!
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Boardwalk empire
Howard TV
Married With Children
Curb Your Enthusiasm
Celebrity Rehab
Everybody Loves Raymond
Hell's Kitchen
American Pickers
Shows how much I keep up with TV
Lights Out
It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia
Eastbound and Down
Boardwalk Empire
Prison Break
Law and Order: SVU
Still Standing
Forensic Files
48hrs Hard Evidence/Mystery
TruTv's Most Shocking
King of Queens
Regular Show
Everybody Loves Raymond
The Office
It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia
South Park
Aqua Teen Hunger Force
Family Guy (comeatmebro.jpg)
The guy's channel got taken down, but I enjoyed the hell out of it while it was up. lol
Jersey Shore
Blue Mountain State