Also check out Ulcerate-The Destroyers of All. I have a feeling you'll like it
I've heard Obscura, and it ain't that great, so I haven't exactly been running to put it on my list. I have the new Ulcerate lying around somewhere too, but I need to find it.
I found Omnivium to be very awesome. I also found Ulcerate to be awesome
Omnivium totally grew on me...I love it now...
And Wine! u like the new Neuraxis? I'm shocked.....It's pretty great, imo.....
drinkwine732Posts: 20,418destroyer of motherfuckers
The only bad album that I put on my list was Metamorphosis, so yeah, I really did like Asylon. I was hoping for something better, but it was a solid release.
-------The Best------- 1. Amon Amarth - Surtur Rising 2. Arafel - For Battles Once Fought 3. Moonsorrow - Varjoina Kuljemme Kuolleiden Maassa 4. Vreid - V 5. Varg - Wolfskult 6. Woods of Desolation - Torn Beyond Reason 7. Kampfar - Mare 8. Demonaz - March of the Norse 9. Wolfchant - Call of the black winds 10. Suidakra - Book of Dowth -------Great-------- 1. Fen - Epoch 2. Crimfall - The Writ of Sword 3. Winds of Plague - Against the World 4. Battlelore - Doombound 5. Falckenbach - Tuirida 6. Kromlek - Finis Terrae 7. Belphegor - Black Magic Necromance 8. Ignus Fatuu - Neue Ufer 9. Iskald - The Sun I Carried Alone 10. Ava Inferni - Oynx -------The Rest------- Obscura - Omnivium Wedard - Eiskreig 2 Svartsyn - Wrath Upon the Earth Dalriada - Igeret Turisas - Stand Up and Fight Lazarus AD - Black Rivers Flow Silent Stream of Godless Elegy - Návaz Dornenreich - Flammentriebe Before the Dawn - Deathstar Rising Allfader - Black Blood Flux
I'm just going to stay away....
I didn't even put that shit on my list.
I'm WAY behind on new music though, just about to start listening to the new Korpiklaani.
all excellent albums
varg is not the varg from burzum btw - Book Of Dowth [Limited Edition] (2011).rar - March Of The Norse (2011).rar - Mare (2011).rar - V (2011).rar
Omnivium totally grew on me...I love it now...
And Wine! u like the new Neuraxis? I'm shocked.....It's pretty great, imo.....
1. Amon Amarth - Surtur Rising
2. Arafel - For Battles Once Fought
3. Moonsorrow - Varjoina Kuljemme Kuolleiden Maassa
4. Vreid - V
5. Varg - Wolfskult
6. Woods of Desolation - Torn Beyond Reason
7. Kampfar - Mare
8. Demonaz - March of the Norse
9. Wolfchant - Call of the black winds
10. Suidakra - Book of Dowth
1. Fen - Epoch
2. Crimfall - The Writ of Sword
3. Winds of Plague - Against the World
4. Battlelore - Doombound
5. Falckenbach - Tuirida
6. Kromlek - Finis Terrae
7. Belphegor - Black Magic Necromance
8. Ignus Fatuu - Neue Ufer
9. Iskald - The Sun I Carried Alone
10. Ava Inferni - Oynx
-------The Rest-------
Obscura - Omnivium
Wedard - Eiskreig 2
Svartsyn - Wrath Upon the Earth
Dalriada - Igeret
Turisas - Stand Up and Fight
Lazarus AD - Black Rivers Flow
Silent Stream of Godless Elegy - Návaz
Dornenreich - Flammentriebe
Before the Dawn - Deathstar Rising
Allfader - Black Blood Flux
bought Death- Symbolic (remastered), Amon Amarth- Surtur Rising (DE), and Agalloch- The Mantle yesterday