Shit like "Fistfucking her decomposed cadaver" and "I want to eviscerate you after I take the head of Christ" (Oceano line, forgot exactly how it goes.) is the try hard BR00TAL shit. I'm sick of it, I like real/emotional/heartfelt/smart lyrics. I'm sick of this try hard brutal shit, it doesn't make you look badass, it makes you look stupid, especially as overdone as it is. Alligator Blood does NOT have those "BR00TAL" lyrics just because he's talking about getting shot in the head.
new song sounds great I met steve, who plays drum for Deicide at the brass mug, last year. it was a show featuring keep of kalesin(spelling?), that shit band psycroptic(spelling), and some terrible local bands. they had a local black metal band that was ok, but the rest of the show was meh. I talked to steve briefly. this chick who was hanging with us got his number, and bragged about cock teasing him days after the show. needless to say, a bunch of us don't talk to that ho anymore. steve was nothing but nice to me though.
And I know someone's going to say "0H BUT BMTH @LW@AYZ TR13Z TO ACT BR00T@LZ!1!11oneone!1!111".
But that's where you're wrong, because they really don't, they've never done the S0 BR00TAL shit.
Let's play a game of Russian roulette
I'll load the gun, you place the bet
Tell me who will make it out alive
(So put a gun to my head and paint the walls with my fucking brain)
Put a gun to my head and paint the walls with my brains
Put a gun to my head and paint the fucking walls
More lyrics:
Those aren't brutal lyrics.
Shit like "Fistfucking her decomposed cadaver" and "I want to eviscerate you after I take the head of Christ" (Oceano line, forgot exactly how it goes.) is the try hard BR00TAL shit. I'm sick of it, I like real/emotional/heartfelt/smart lyrics. I'm sick of this try hard brutal shit, it doesn't make you look badass, it makes you look stupid, especially as overdone as it is. Alligator Blood does NOT have those "BR00TAL" lyrics just because he's talking about getting shot in the head.