Someone else said you keifed it from there, so unless you got a witness, I dont think your chances of success, are very high if we take this case to trail.
But I can offer you a reach around for your plea deal, yeh better take it, because you dont want this goin on yer record an effecting your well being in your field of employment.
Rexum, we hate eachother(from what I remember) but I am on your side on this. he's annoying as fuck. Ive been on this forum since the first week it was made and he's been here 4-5 days(when I trolld the new one) and hes almost cought up to me on posts...and I thought I posted a lot.
Someone else said you keifed it from there, so unless you got a witness, I dont think your chances of success, are very high if we take this case to trail.
my neighbor told me about it. I watched it, lold then posted it.
blue turbins
From Those Fishes - I Fingered An Old Bitch (i got Aids on my finger)
my neighbor told me about it. I watched it, lold then posted it.