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Just had court

TehPrince666TehPrince666 Posts: 1,118 salt miner
edited January 2011 in Off Topic
Disorderly conduct, got it dropped down to ordinance violation, judge was a female kinna cute actually, an all I had to do was flash my winnin smile, an dazzle, 350.00 fine down to 50.00, coulda got rid of it entirely because I didnt do anything, but I didnt wanna go through all the hoopla over 50 dollars an waste my time. Stupid freakin bouncer try an fabricate, an say I attack his big fat behind, like ima attack some big 6'5 300 pounder when im 5'11 Buck 85, besides im not violent like that, he was just mad cuz Im prettier then his big ulgy dumbface, an I told him that, try an say I threw a flower pot, that wasnt me, why would I throw a flower pot, I like flowers, if anything I woulda stole the flower pot, an gave it to my grandmother as a gift, to make her luv me more.

He tackle me, an split the back of my head open, had blood all over the back of my head, an ruined my shirt, he lucky he didnt mess up my pretty face up, or else he be payin restitution, Id be on the phone all day long, tryin to find the best jewish lawyer in my city, he would be in some mighty big trouble.


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