Chicago is gonna be a tough out...Expect a HUGE push back but your team is like stupid deep....I'll be honest...I think it's gonna be LA vs NY but I'm not so sure we can beat them...real big physical team who is very deep BUT we have lightning speed and Henrik (pay no attention to last night) so let's just get this shit going already.
Yo ed...... FAIL! YOU WILL LOSE GAME 7. Too bad... I wanted to kick your ass out of the finals. Just give us the cup already. RANGERS =TEAM OF DESTINY!
get em Thursday at home
We'll get them Thursday. Not even worried. Lose Thursday then I'll be nail biting
8:00 let's end this...
2 games
Chicago is gonna be a tough out...Expect a HUGE push back but your team is like stupid deep....I'll be honest...I think it's gonna be LA vs NY but I'm not so sure we can beat them...real big physical team who is very deep BUT we have lightning speed and Henrik (pay no attention to last night) so let's just get this shit going already.
Garbage ass goal...What the fuck. Having flashbacks of when the Wings blew the 3-1 last season...
I fell aslee .. Missed a good one
Called working and being tired. Not paper at all.
was to Todd...he didn't even know what icing was till last night
tonight's game has me on edge. I'm in Columbia Maryland at a bar watching. Nobody at bar but me. Kinda awkward and weird
Ed is ghost
Yo ed...... FAIL! YOU WILL LOSE GAME 7. Too bad... I wanted to kick your ass out of the finals. Just give us the cup already. RANGERS =TEAM OF DESTINY!
Rangers are getting smashed by whoever they play
I was "ghost" cause I was at work, Forrest Gump. Talk shit if you win the cup cause the teams you beat to get there are as paper as can be.