I'm not saying it wouldn't be tough either, all playoff series are generally tough to a degree, but the Wings are far less physical than someALL of the potential second round opponents for the Hawks. That and the 4-0 record vs the Wings this year, makes them a more preferred matchup for me.
Also, exhibit B on why Corey Perry is a grade A piece of shit: Fuck the Ducks.
I'm not saying it wouldn't be tough either, all playoff series are generally tough to a degree, but the Wings are far less physical than someALL of the potential second round opponents for the Hawks. That and the 4-0 record vs the Wings this year, makes them a more preferred matchup for me.
Also, exhibit B on why Corey Perry is a grade A piece of shit: Fuck the Ducks.
How dare that wings player push the duck player into your goalie
You tryin to be a hero fool? You wanna see badass mother fucker?! I'll show ya a badass!!!
I never did get into watching hockey too much I liked playing the games a lot but never watched. I've watched 4 games in the last few days with no real rooting interest and have really been enjoying them.
You tryin to be a hero fool? You wanna see badass mother fucker?! I'll show ya a badass!!!
I haven't really watched anybody besides the Hawks in this years playoffs other than one of the Kings-Blues games. With no Blackhawks for a few days, I'll probably catch some more games this weekend doe.
the playoffs have been pretty exciting this year. so many close games and overtime games. with the exception of last night because they were all blow outs lol
"That's another thing I love about metal, it's so fuckin' huge yet certain people don't even know it exists." - Rob Zombie
I'm not saying it wouldn't be tough either, all playoff series are generally tough to a degree, but the Wings are far less physical than someALL of the potential second round opponents for the Hawks. That and the 4-0 record vs the Wings this year, makes them a more preferred matchup for me.
Also, exhibit B on why Corey Perry is a grade A piece of shit: Fuck the Ducks.
How dare that wings player push the duck player into your goalie
Yeah no. There's no reason for his leg to come up like that. Youth hockey players seem to have better control of their legs than this guy. When you almost cut our goalie's head off earlier in the series you lose the benefit of the doubt for me. He's a scumbag of a player along with their asshat of a captain.
Good luck to your team
Also, exhibit B on why Corey Perry is a grade A piece of shit:
Fuck the Ducks.
I like the Sens chances of getting rid of the Pens