I cant believe I'm saying this. God forgive me, but I'm rooting for the Devils to win it all. That way they can disband and fucking let all their good players go, they have less fans I'll have to hear it from then the rangers since theyre seriesouly like 15mins apart, and I dont want to hear the Richie Carts thing all summer. Go Devils! :-S
It's going to be replaced sooner or later, whether we like it or not. It won't happen until they finalize a location and design and payment plan and everything though, so it will be a couple years at least. Hopefully this one will be more acoustically suitable for concerts too.
It all right bro. Funny thing is I feel like we out played them the last 2 games but they got the win. The first 4 game they clearly out played us all 4 games but we managed a split. They will give the Kings all they can handle. I think The Devils will win and Marty will ride off into the sunset. I don't hate Jersey like most Ranger fans. I will actually be rooting for them. I make no excuses. They got the goals when they needed them. Fuckers! o well. Rangers are a young team and can only improve. Maybe they will pick up a sniper in the off season.
In fact if I could find this jersey in stores or online i'd definitely buy it.
i was fuckin' sweatin' bullets during that game lol #:-S
I still say it goes to 7 games
btw..That chant of MARTY MARTY the during game 5 was the loudest I have EVER heard the garden.
Great series Devils.
Good luck to you.