my hate for the Redwings stems from them being pussys. Gordy Howe's teams back in the day was a example of hockey is suppose to be played. physical, with an edge. Redwings don't play redwings hockey anymore. they pussy away from fights and have a liscense to dive. they play the same style as another team i hate, the Penguins. that style of play is ruining hockey.
my hate for the Redwings stems from them being pussys. Gordy Howe's teams back in the day was a example of hockey is suppose to be played. physical, with an edge. Redwings don't play redwings hockey anymore. they pussy away from fights and have a liscense to dive. they play the same style as another team i hate, the Penguins. that style of play is ruining hockey.
the wings dive? lmao what is this, I don't even...
wings don't have to fight to play hockey, they're a respectable team that plays the game. and when they do actually try to fight 90% of the time the reffs step in. sorry your team has only been relevant for one year in the past couple decades )
once the Redwings can stop their pussy play, they can get a respectable team nickname, like the Big Bad Bruins, or the Broad Street Bullies
John, being a skilled and physically tough team are not mutually exclusive. You can be both, you know......the Wings wouldn't have been successful for so many years if they didn't have a good balance.
Here's our best player showing he's not afraid to drop the gloves: