They are tough to suffer through. I spent an entire summer pre-7th grade reading the Hobbit and the 3 LOTRs. I tried restarting chronologically with The Simarillion.
I told you that's part of my act. Also, you wouldn't understand me it I talked in my real voice. If you want to hear my real voice, I will be on xbl at 11:30 or 12:00.
-.- we only wouldn't understand you if you spoke in the cockney dialect. I have a friend on xbl who is British and I understand him just fine. I could always wake his ass up and get him to listen to you and tell you how bad your fake accent is.
People have told me that they don't understand me when I use my real voice. I created a fake accent that resembles a normal American.
Born and raised
Going back there one day
United Kingdom