Gad damn ticket prices are redic. 175-250 for floor or side lower bowl. 125 for the ends. I might cop an end seat but fuck idk how they even sell these.
They give away tickets to fill a lot of shows. Hanging around outside might pay off, or try hitting somebody up for some tickets on twitter. Dana has even upgraded people's tickets just for asking him during the weigh is or other events.
Yeah i saw that lol. Im debating waiting around for a chance at cheaper if i decide to go. Its a good card though so idk. I gotta talk to my buddy and see if he wats to go. Im sure its more of a tv sport similar to football but id like to see a live even once.
Im trying to talk the guy down. He had it up on ebay twice and it failed both times. He sayd he wont take less than 250 but i bet i can get him down to 200$
early estimates for 215 and 216 are brutal. I understand why, but still. UFC needs to start promoting other fighters or they're going to experience a slow end.
Looks like im going to cop tickets to 218 either this weekend or next week. Where you sitting ed? The video screen is so good there i really dont even care if its bleeds but i think we are going to go with lower bowl on the end. Can get like 15th row for 140$ a piece.
I got bleeds. I'm going on vacation a couple weeks after and want more money for that. No matter where you sit it's gonna be a good view. I had bleeds for 123 and I still had a good view.
You better go you fucker.
i could buy a signed tool poster with that kind of cash doe.
im pretty confident frankie and max will make it. Who knows with reem doe.