Jones hasn't finished anyone since Chael P. I think he really wanted to go out there and send a message that he never left. Many people want to say DC was winning the first two rounds but I don't think so. He landed some good shots but Jones was tearing up his legs and body.
I get that Paulie Malignaggi would be a little upset at conors camp for releasing those photos but paul was already on record talking about the camp before the pictures were released. I feel like he broke the code before conor dod in this situation and the amount of bitterness paul is showing over it is down right cringeworthy.
Paulie's a straight up bitch. I don't take his word for shit cause he's a known crybaby/sore loser. He keeps saying to release the security footage cause he knows they won't because it would be dumb as fuck to release sparring footage.
Its just crazy how hes still ranting on twitter abput it. Like hea responding to people calling them meaningless and losers...but yet hes the one reaponing to them lol. Just makes him look stupid.
The theres this. Sounds like paulie is just pissed that conor tricked him into sparing with him for talking shit before he agreed to spar with him for the camp ). With how bitter he is it kind of just sounds like hes mad cause he fell for the bait )))))
Would be dope to see Lesnar vs Bones.
blue turbins
From Those Fishes - I Fingered An Old Bitch (i got Aids on my finger)
ill see u at Home Depot
blue turbins
From Those Fishes - I Fingered An Old Bitch (i got Aids on my finger)
Yeah dc had no idea where he was
The theres this. Sounds like paulie is just pissed that conor tricked him into sparing with him for talking shit before he agreed to spar with him for the camp
Look at his before and after interviews cause it's night and day when this dude talks now