doubt anything will change, i believe Pam was the only one who knew all the facts, and she be dead too
I think they just might wanna clear it up. Maybe charge the club if it's still owned by the same family or something. Like I said idk French laws so who knows what those crazy fuckers do over there.
i personally thinks its been too long and most people who were involved are probably dead or senile by now. although after reading everytihng that i have read about Jim, i do think he died of an overdose at the club or overdosed at the club and they panicked and got him the fuck out of there
i personally thinks its been too long and most people who were involved are probably dead or senile by now. although after reading everytihng that i have read about Jim, i do think he died of an overdose at the club or overdosed at the club and they panicked and got him the fuck out of there
That's what I believe too. They were scared and didn't wanna take him to the hospital and be the people known for killing jm.
although it possibly could have saved his life. but his legend wouldnt be what it is today without the mysterious death
I agree. I feel that way about a lot of musicians. If they wouldn't have died who knows what they would be doing now. Could you see jm on MTV all old and shit trying to seduce young women? No thanks I'll remember the 27 year old version. It's like Eddie vedder from pj, if he woulda died in the 90s they would be immortal but now nobody really cares.
blue turbins
From Those Fishes - I Fingered An Old Bitch (i got Aids on my finger)