What are some good cameras or video recorders for concerts? I don't have a camera or anything so I take pics with my phone which of course, usually suck.
And video cameras, what ones get a good picture but good sound too? I know sound can't be that good on ones that aren't professional cuz the music is so freaking loud but; what should I look at?
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I dont use it, but I was really impressed with this video this guy shot at mayhem fest 2008 in michigan. I was impressed with the audio quality of the video so I asked to guy what kind of camera he used.
i used it to take my mayhem videos last year
really good camera IMO
I'm specifically thinking iron maiden for this since I'm buying 3rd section seats. At my venue the 3rd section is right before lawn
idk if that helps
idk if it's any good or not
I just checked price
is there anything with the specs above that's only $100-$200?