I hate smiling in pictures. I always look like a retard. As far as videos, I was laughing like a jackass in my drunk ones lol. But those are private now.
I hate smiling in pictures. I always look like a retard. As far as videos, I was laughing like a jackass in my drunk ones lol. But those are private now.
drunk doesnt count, show one pic of you were you dont look slightly pissed and ill give it to yah
lol did u just take this? fine ill give it to yah but for the record there still isnt much emotion in that face so my original comment still holds merit and i would grade it at least a B..
Jacob Clause, I want several things for christmas, but right now, I really just want you to return my flash drive to me.
but but but... =(
Lame attempt at bashing brah.
You don't even get an E for effort. Go sit in the corner.
It means "derp" <_>
E isnt even a grade. <_>
It wouldn't make sense and I would be scared afterwords.