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Anyone got a crazy Stepmom? I need some advice.

HOODSHOODS Posts: 41,866 destroyer of motherfuckers
edited November 2010 in Off Topic
I've had this fucked up psyhcotic stepmom since i was around 5. i hate her fucking guts and its her fault. i have a step dad that i love and we get along great, so its not just a step parent thing. i was stuck seeing her everyother weekend when i was little because of the courts and all that shit. she's been nothing but a bitch to me my entire life and its always behind my dads back, when i tell him he doesnt believe me.

8 years ago i turned 18 and havent spent too much time up there at their house, i cant stand going up there. the only problem is i have 12 & 14 year old brothers from the same dad and shes their mom and i love them. i can see myself having a relationship with my broz forever, but i wish i didnt have to deal with that crazy bitch, but my asshole dad said i have to deal with her to see them.

the fucking bitch was just in the psych war 2 weeks ago threatining suicide and all that bull shit shes a fucking mess she was diagnosed with schizophrenia, bi-polar, depression, all that shit, so ive been right all these years, she really is nutz. you know i can deal with her asshole behavior towards me, but to my fiance, the girl i've been with for 10years and going to marry, i cant take that shit. and this summer she was nasty to her (for nooo reason) i didnt talk to the stepmonster for 6 months after that. and i blame my dumbass dad for all this shit cause i've been telling him she was a nutcase fucked up bitch since i was 5, i'm 26 now, i thought when i was an adult this shit would stop, but it didnt. i barely go up there, but i do once in a while to see my bros and she always seems to have a fuckin breakdown/meltdown. its like shes jealous my dad has another son.

i know this shits affecting my brothers, theyre both not doing good in school and getting in trouble and all that good stuff. i only had to see her 2wice a month, they have to deal with her psychosis every damn day. i know i could help them cuz they trust me and i could guide them to make the right choices in life.

my question is how the fuck can i still see my bros without dealing with my dad and stepslut? i wish i could backhand her, but i cant and my dad made it clear if i dont talk/deal/be civil with her, i cant see the kids. (if anyone dealt or is dealing with the same shit, got some advice?)


  • Alec29Alec29 Posts: 3,864 juggalo
    I'm a step parent. You step mom is most definitely out of line. I'd never ever do anything to keep my youngest son from his biological father's family( the biological father was tasered to death 5 years ago).
    You could get your brothers a prepaid cell so that you guys can talk without any interference. Try to talk to your Dad without yelling or insulting his wife. Tell him that you want a relationship with your brothers but that the step mom is making it more difficult than it needs to be. If that doesn't work then you may have to get with her program until your bros turn 18. It really sux for a step parent to act like that and sadly alot of them do.
  • NecrothulhuNecrothulhu Posts: 33,444 master of ceremonies
    That's horrible...i would have spoke my mind/humiliated her a long long time when I was 14 or something. But that's just me...
  • HOODSHOODS Posts: 41,866 destroyer of motherfuckers
    when i was younger, i guess i was clueless/intimadated by her, but ive told her and my dad how it is recently, i've told my dad off numerous times for his behavior(i've also tried the calm talking, none of it works) hes not realizing what he's doing to his family, he just chooses her over me my brothers and himself, hes been doing it forever. i feel like he's fuckin scared of her. i talked to alot of people about this friends/family and they suggested what you said Alec, talk to them on the phone/comp till theyre 18. it just fuckin sucks. i could be a good influence on these kids, cause i made some fucked up mistakes when i was younger and could help them. i told my oldest bro that the film paranormal activity is based on her, lol.

  • SantanaSantana Posts: 16,743 juggalo
    wow I'm really sorry. My aunt had a stepdad but I don't talk to my mom about it because the stepdad is her dad...Apparently my Aunt didn't like him but I don't think he did anything wrong...
  • Alec29Alec29 Posts: 3,864 juggalo
    Hang in there George. Not all step parents are douche bags. I wouldn't give up on talking to my dad though. There's gotta be a way for you to show him what she's doing.
  • HOODSHOODS Posts: 41,866 destroyer of motherfuckers
    edited November 2010
    i have a step-dad who rules, so i know not all step parents are douchez. i'm gonna hang in there for the only reason i've been hangin in there all this time, the kids, hopefully(even though theyre in there 50z-60z) they grow up soon. thanks for responding though man!

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