Sorry, i don't have any videos, those are just songs i have learned, i don't have a video camera and my phone takes horrible video, i would be putting up videos if i could, but here's my channel anyways....
Ya, I want to see that Won't Get Fooled Again cover.
What i did with that song, i have learned it the way Keith Moon did it, but i also added or changed a bunch of stuff, i do that sometimes with my covers.
I have no idea what he was doing at the beginning of that video lol, i am willing to learn and possibly record a song in the future, but don't request some that is ridiculously hard lol
Fuck Coheed And Cambria for that. I don't know how that's humanely possible yo.
Who are some of your favorite drummers?
3 favorites are Inferno, George Kollias, and Derek Roddy, in that order. But even their insane Drumming I know I'll be able to eventually play. Something like Guns Of Summer I can't even wrap my fucking head around it.
Fuck Coheed And Cambria for that. I don't know how that's humanely possible yo.
Who are some of your favorite drummers?
3 favorites are Inferno, George Kollias, and Derek Roddy, in that order. But even their insane Drumming I know I'll be able to eventually play. Something like Guns Of Summer I can't even wrap my fucking head around it.
I have learned some Rush song, Neil Peart is incredible, and i am on my way to learning Moving Pictures in it's entirety, I'm already done Tom Sawyer, Red Barchetta, YYZ, Limelight, and Vital Signs, got a couple more songs to go, but I'll probably never even attempt 2112 lol
Facefuck should do this.
Nothing to hard {Upload|6099}
How about this
Hardest part is from 3:26 to 4:50 but I think you can get it.