I think i did that at a kareoke night about a year or so ago, but yeah, once my shit with the comptuer gets situated (i got a blue screen saying i have a virus, even though i don't think i do), i'll def do it. I also made mention in my 'no pity' video that i will attempt to do a wop 'the impaler' cover
My friend uploaded one and it got the WMG sign of fail in a few hours. It depends on how you do it, YouTube picks and chooses who to keep and who to take off.
looks like erik might already have a female friend...
And i will seriously give erik 20 bucks in pay pal money, if he can learn and put this song up http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O44Zk6PoCtY ignoring the first 20 seconds or so obviously, it honestly sounds like it would be a fun song to play
"looks like erik might already have a female friend..." if you're talking about the comment on his youtube video then here it is everyone: "DeadlyXAngelX (14 hours ago) I fucking love you baby<3"
Coming soon. Lolz.
cryptopsy - phobophile
And i will seriously give erik 20 bucks in pay pal money, if he can learn and put this song up
ignoring the first 20 seconds or so obviously, it honestly sounds like it would be a fun song to play
if you're talking about the comment on his youtube video then here it is everyone:
"DeadlyXAngelX (14 hours ago)
I fucking love you baby<3"
sorry erik I lol'd so hard when i saw this
And her screenname is like......years old. And she hates it now lolz.